The high quality and integrity of a product is the goal of every manufacturer. Due to the enormous quantities and the worldwide distribution, the absolute avoidance of product recalls is the top priority in the automotive industry in particular. A 100% checking of each individual component is therefore not only a requirement but is in fact an unconditional prerequisite. Of course, this also applies to every sub-supplier for the automotive industry.
More than 70% of the vehicles manufactured and sold in Europe are equipped with Start/Stop technology. The manufacturing of the Start/Stop batteries for this technology requires precise checking of the weight before and after several process steps in order to guarantee the quality. Because the weight change during a process step can amount to just a few grams, the weighing must be very precise even with high total weights (up to 40kg). With integrated cameras the individual identification (3D code or similar) must be read and the resultant data assigned such that seamless data tracking is available globally at all times. Even the environmental conditions such as vibrations from manufacturing machines and the resistance to sulphuric acid require a great degree of robustness for the check weigher and the selection of suitable components. Due to integration into a process line, the communication via the controlling network is a prerequisite just
as the unconditional exclusion of batteries with the wrong weight. Due to the high production performance, a 3-shift system is likewise required along with a high degree of availability and a short replacement time for components in the event of a defect.
In several factories our check weighers have been successfully fulfilling these very requirements for years.
In particular with the manual manufacturing and finishing of assemblies, the checking of the completeness is of critical importance for the quality of your manufacturing and service. We support your quality assurance with the merciless 100% checking by our check weigher.
So, for example with the manual manufacturing of connectors for pressurised lines comprising of several individual components, not only the finishing of the end product but also the precise number of delivered parts can be determined and guaranteed with the check weigher from AutoMatic, both domestically and in other countries.
Once again the use of an AutoMatic check weigher is the right choice.
Examples of products for the control of small parts
Examples of products for the control of heavy objects